
International Music Day

several guitars beside of side table

To celebrate this day, EITV invited Rádio Miúdos to our school playground for a special broadcast dedicated to music.

Rádio Miúdos is the first Portuguese radio station for children, which began experimental broadcasts in November 2015. It is an exclusively online radio station, broadcasting 24 hours/7 days a week.

The project was awarded a prize by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in the 2015 edition of the “FAZ-IDEIAS DE ORIGEM PORTUGUESA” competition, a competition for social entrepreneurship in the diaspora, and by the European Commission Representation in Portugal.

On the morning of the 1st of October, our students will be able to experience what it’s like to be a radio presenter with Rádio Miúdos, on this very special day when International Music Day is celebrated.


EITV, September 27th, 2024

The Discovery Club Coordinator

Rui Santos

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